Monday 9 February 2015

It is over years back when people are busy thinking of an alternate way to trade or sell their goods and products without worrying about the barriers or boundaries, where we are introduced with the new mode of business through e-commerce. People start to learn various thing about online selling to the very important point; the mode of payment. Introduction to online payment has increased the dangers of the internet, as it triggered the need for some security measure after the online commerce has started to pose some serious threats to the users in terms of payment. Not only does this introduction to technology changes the way we do business but it also change the level of trust that we have to certain people.

Nowadays in bank institutions, data analytics have change the landscape of many financial firms, giving them new way to outdo their potential. It helps them to efficiently detect fraud besides helping them to track their customers’ behaviour in real time. Banks have taken the analytics to another level by using these extensive customers’ data to help further understand their behaviour and for effective fraud prevention efforts. This explains how recent innovations will be helping banking institutions to respond in real time for any fraudulent activity.

These data helps banking institutions to build a predictive model that will look at a lot of data and behaviours. This will help them to filter and stop which behaviours that they felt are dangerous and threatening. Fraud detection historically based on basic steps as flagging transactions which might exceeds certain amount allowed. Analytics also enables financial institutions to go beyond their common fraud detection techniques.


Keep out on these 10 major trends that should be hitting the cyber world soon. As in 2015, the threats also keep on evolving and most current guard against them will no longer work against these newly improved cyber threats. Banks, institutions and other financial firms have been put under major alerts since 2014, which best-known to them as the year of the breach. So what will the year 2015 left us with?

Third Party Risk Moves to the Top of the List

There will be huge intertwined possibilities between a firm’s vendors, clients and other third parties associated with them to potentially pose a cyber-risk for a particular firm. Regulations and procedures will be in question as with the increasing cyber breach detected throughout the year, the security posture of some critical third parties can pose an impact to the financial firms. Therefore, third party relationships should no longer be an afterthought after this as more tight security will be built in by designs in an ongoing basis with frequent testing and monitoring.

The Rise of Fusion Centres

 With the increasing demands for holistic and integrated approach to cyber security by numerous financial firms out there, most of them has been proven elusive. However, fusion centres have proven to be beneficial in the world of big data and cyber security as it is a critical node in the collection and processing of information intelligence from various reliable sources. There are for some reasons these fusion centres are mysterious and controversial. It acts as an interagency for collaboration and intelligence gathered from various agencies participating with each year. Naturally, the technology aspect is the critical part of the centre but the human components from various industries, departments, businesses and agencies also play quite an important roles in driving it forward. Therefore with these implementations will result in more efficient and faster cyber threats awareness and mitigation.

Information protected at a database and data element level

How usually a firm protects its most sensitive and valuable data assets and where it is located? The protection method has moved from building “bigger walls” to providing more “in-depth defences” risk-based approach around the high risk and high value repositories that will eventually limit the value of raw data. These approach will render the data powerless for the hackers to use against.

Rise of alternative payment options create exposure

As more companies moving forward with alternative wireless payment options, hackers are exposed with more vulnerable targets. Particularly, usage of underlying technologies such as Bluetooth devices impose opportunities for more cyber-attacks and breach.


Normally organisations which were analysed will be divided into two categories; one is the one that was under attack and another is the one which will be attacked. It is hard to keep up with the revolutionised technologies that seemingly to provide winning points to the hackers. People seems to be the key weak points in terms of maintaining the security of their personal password and IDs where many cyber-attacks have been successful because of the factor.

Analytics solutions have become an increasing popular tool to combat the cyber fraud these days. These solutions slightly allow the visibility access to the network traffic and user activities spanning days, weeks and sometimes years. However it is best to navigate through all this available information in real-time to predict the clusters and patterns that later develop sensible analysis in providing the actual behaviours of the users and significant access routines. These solutions later helps to drastically speed up the process of identifying the problem, the investigation process and later the resolution while minimising impact to a business and reducing the risks of what the hackers will make off out of these users’ data.

Through the use of big data and analytics in fighting this never ending cybercrimes, we will be able to reduce the risk of the same threats to occur again through prediction model that will help you to counter attack and act before it strikes. Information officers will get a comprehensive and in-depth view of the risks, both internal and external and tap into the existing analytical capabilities for further analysis. Management will be well prepared through the analysis received from the analytical model which helps them in understanding the current trends in banking activities while at the same time monitor the habit of their online consumers.

Through analytic approach, organisations will be more proactive and preventive towards the ongoing cyber threats that will continuously trying to penetrate into these safety layers of the businesses. Many organisations successfully utilizes these approaches which finally resulting efficiency in predicting hardware and software failures, manage risk effectively, supporting their core business and in the end forming a better cyber resilience to the whole company.