Wednesday 1 October 2014

Forget Monster, Craigslist and Jobstreet.

In this millennium competitive job market, you have to start doing things differently if you want to succeed further. Also it is a requirement to start innovating the way you reach your desired candidates who might already have their job elsewhere. That’s where many recruitment agencies and companies these days embracing creative recruiting as an alternative that enable them to get away from the hassle of going through a stack of poor-fit profiles. By adding an interactive group interview during the recruitment process in order to actively seeking potential talents at unusual places. There are right now list of ways for company to innovatively change the hiring process.

This will make your business to ultimately stand out in the crowd and enable you to reach your ideal candidates.

Use self-selection to see who’s really interested.
To help you to better filter the staffing selection process, you can innovate the way of the resume submission by trying to add another layer to it and also during the one-on-one interview process. One best option is to invite all the eligible applicants to an open group event such as an open house. It is rather easy to assume all applicants will come for the event but from most open event organized worldwide there is a solid percentage of less than 50% who come to the event. Self-selection is the way to see and filter applicants because it is so easy to apply for anything but only few of them manage to take the first step ahead to succeed. This stage will help lowered the screening process.

This strategy will also help to evaluate how these people interact in groups.

Arrange for group interaction
Interaction with potential candidates in the group will be an excellent way to see their unique character, level of interest to the subject, their working knowledge and their communication skills. This will help you to observe if their overall characteristics will fit well with your organization culture. There are different ways to conduct an interactive interviews but the fundamental feature is selecting potential candidates and encourage them to interact in the group discussion where later you and your current employer can engage with them. One great example is doing something quite similar to ‘speed dating’ with each of them.

You might also take a bit more creative approach to later set up several of other activities to determine and get the better ideas of the level of knowledge and their passion for the industry as well as their personality.

Handpick dream candidates and how you wanted them
At most times, passive candidates who might not actively seeking for a job might be one of your dream hires. Usually these candidates are already employed and you might never manage to attract them without letting them aware how much you want them to join your company and work for you. Reaching out to them in a personal manner might be the thing they need to see if you are really willing to go beyond your usual to get their attention. There are actually many ways for you to creatively approach these employees and maybe by offering incentives to flatter them a bit. One of the case is by the Red 5 Studio, a video game company where they randomly select 100 candidates and get to know them personally through their social profile. Then each of them are sent a personalized iPod that exclusively equipped with a welcome message by the CEO.

The flattery usually paid off and more than what they expected actually responded to the pitch where 3 of them left their previous job to join on board. Many other potential hires found the company through the words of mouth generated by the buzz.

Look For Talent in Unlikely Places
How can you maintain a corporate culture while doing a fast hiring? Follow the step of the Quicken Loan Company, they look for talents at unexpected places. They regard as they are not finding the talents within their industry but far stretch their lookout to the point where they simply hiring people out of the job scope. To them, it is easier to teach people about finance but not to teach them about passion, urgency and the willingness to go extra miles.

Attend events that are not job fair
Often job fairs turn out to be useless as the crowd that usually flocked around are only the common people searching for quick job. Rather than that as most of our potential hires might already have their stable or permanent job at the moment, it’s assumable that they would not be gathering around some job fairs. Start off by looking at the conventions and events that aren’t traditionally job search related. One of the highest probability to find potential hires was through the Meetup where they organized group event of the same particular interest, might be the perfect spot to look out for your best talents.

For example if you are looking for a graphic designer or web editor, you can start your search at the group event focusing on the graphic design seminar or web camp where all the people from the same background interest and talent gathered to discuss passionately about the subject. Because then, you will get the feel on how passionate they are about what they are doing and get the feel of what they would be like in person.

Making yourself stand out through non-traditional media
In this year of media & technology, you can’t assume by relying on your perfect job description written on some job sites will make you stand out in the crowd. With a little magic of technology, you can make it happen through a video or podcast. Through the use of media, you can successfully convey the message to your potential hires about your company’s corporate culture and just how fun is it to work with your team.

Whether it’s a fun video on YouTube showing how much fun it was to be working in your company and how awesome the employees in your company would be. Maybe a recorded podcast discussing about the job description of the particular job might just do the trick. Hopefully this strategy will help to differentiate you from other companies and make you stand out.

Actively search profile and social networking sites
Rather than going through pile of bad fit resumes that you might be getting in the response to your job post, you might try to seek your potential hires through something else for example by searching through their social media profiles. This way you will get to see only the candidates that you see fit and suitable for the job because you done the search yourselves. These days there are several sites that enable their users to create profile where they can add their knowledge and past work experiences together so that recruiters will get a better ideas of the candidates suitability to the job they will be offering.

This way recruiters can view their resumes, conversation with others in the network, how they engage and their contribution to answering the big questions. Through this method, you are not only screening for the perfect candidates but you’ll also learn a few things about them pre-interview.
Consider past candidates
Some of your former rejects might be your potential hires now. There are times in the past where you passed on some good candidates due to some unexpected reason or another. Perhaps you might have disagreed with their expected salary package which is just a bit too high or they are previously aren’t the ideal candidates for the job in discussion. For whatever reason it was, if you think that the current job offer would definitely fit with your previous candidates, it won’t hurt for you to contact them and get in touch with them now just to see if they are still interested.

Publicize referral incentives
Sometimes referrals just might do the trick as the source for great hires. All you have to do was let the people know that you are currently in the look out or even send out an offer or incentive to send them your way. A financial reward might be ideal if you would be hiring the referral in the end, but if your referrer is your employee, non-monetary perks can be good too for example a day off or exclusive parking spot.

However in order to publicize outside of the company, some great ways to get the word out is by including the note in your email signature telling that you are currently looking, indicating what are you looking for as suggested by many experts. 


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